Marlo Grover

Marlo Grover

Recent Posts

Make it a Merry Christmas with a smart E-Comm

2020 has seen consumers turn to online shopping more than ever - and this year's Christmas shopping period will be no exception. With physical retail stores no longer able to offer that magical Christmas experience - businesses will be looking to the...
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Benefits of Being An Aussie eComm Brand

So you know you want to take your business digital. You want to be an ecommerce brand, but you’re not really sure how or why? What any marketing manager or business wants to know is: what are the benefits to my business of ecommerce marketing? So we’...
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eCommerce in Australia

In the early days of the consumer internet, online marketing was at its simplest. You created a website and let it be your online shopfront – that was more or less it. But in real-world terms, that is now the equivalent of putting out a sandwich boar...
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The Tools Of The Trade

Google Ads Facebook Sponsored Posts Instagram Stories... All of these are tools businesses can use to boost their audience engagement, increase awareness, and follow potential customers around the internet until they agree to spend with you. However,...
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When you read the words “One Size Fits All’ do you immediately roll your eyes into the back of your head? In an age of so much personalisation and customisation at our fingertips, why would a consumer want something that fits everybody? They want som...
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Are you a social business?

When you hear about a new business, what's the first thing you do? Look them up online? For me, I look them up social media. No Instagram page? Disaster. Has an instagram presence but they’ve posted 3 times in a year? What a waste of time. Businesses...
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