The Ways We Work

It’s fair to say that no one saw 2020 coming. It could also be fair to say, though - that it has forced business to develop and change at a rapid pace. Some change not desired, others a welcome relief. For a lot of employees, this is Working From Hom...
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Marketing to your customer - Now & Then

Any decent marketing campaign will have the basics covered, including your customer personas and customer journey map. However, these documents can sometimes become a box-ticking activity rather than a tool to shape the way that you market and commun...
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Are you a social business?

When you hear about a new business, what's the first thing you do? Look them up online? For me, I look them up social media. No Instagram page? Disaster. Has an instagram presence but they’ve posted 3 times in a year? What a waste of time. Businesses...
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The 1st Industrial Revolution started in the 1760s and it took us 60-70 years to progress to mass production and the assembly lines of the 1890s; better known as the 2nd Industrial Revolution. Fast forward 100 years and we have seen the development o...
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How to communicate your response to Coronavirus on your website

Right now there is a lot of concern and fear due to the impact of COVID-19. Not only are people panic buying essentials, they may even be holding off buying other goods and services in order to maintain food supplies. From a business perspective, som...
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