Swoop Digital Marketing Blog

What is Inbound Marketing?

Written by Swoop Digital | 5/04/21 12:07 AM

Inbound marketing is the business practice of attracting customers by exposing them to content that is specifically tailored to their needs.

Unlike outbound marketing, which takes a ‘spray to all fields’ approach, that may result in leads receiving content they do not desire; inbound marketing sends your leads the content they are already searching for.

The Inbound Marketing Process

The inbound marketing process is centred on growing your business by way of personal and high quality relationships with your leads and customers.

You put the needs of the people first and give them the necessary tools to fulfil their business ambitions.

When customers are successful, businesses are successful.

The Stages of Inbound Marketing

 There are three specific stages of inbound marketing.

  1. Attract: increase your quality of lead generation by connecting your leads with tailored content that establishes your business as a trusted entity.
  2. Engage: expose your leads to information and services related to achieving their specific goals.
  3. Delight: give your customers the required support and resources needed to help them find success.


Customers who find success with your company are likely to point others in your direction and thus attract new leads to your organisation. This creates a self-sustaining process of quality lead generation.

Attract Strategies

The attract stage is focusses on the creation and development of content. This content can be in the form of blog articles, content offers and/or social media.

Product guides, solutions which your product provides, customer testimony and information about your organisation’s offers are all excellent topics.

You can also optimize your content for search engines with an SEO strategy: Read More Here 


Engage Strategies

The engage stage is all about continued communication with your audience. You should be aiming to engage with your customers and leads in a way that best encourages them to retain a long-term relationship with you.

You should ensure that your inbound sales calls are well handled by sales employees, selling mutually beneficial solutions to your leads and customers.

Delight Strategies

The delight stage supports your customers following their purchases and makes sure they are satisfied.

Your company staff should become experts in their fields, able to assist with a wide range of issues at any time.

Review surveys and chatbots that gather customer feedback and provide product updates can both greatly assist in this regard.

Swoop Digital are the Melbourne digital experts and as a HubSpot agency partner in Melbourne, were well equipped to ensure youve got the right B2B Inbound Strategy for your business.

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